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In 1655, the church was burned down by Russian soldiers, and a temporary church still remained in 1676. The Brotherhood of the Holy Rosary was established in 1725. In 1777–1782, there was a parish school.


Samogitian bishop Juozapas Arnulfas Giedraitis and his brother Martynas built the current brick church in 1809. According to the will of the bishop, after his death in 1838, his heart was bricked into the wall of the presbytery; the portrait of the founder is displayed in the sacristy. In 1893, Polish language was used in the church, but services were also held in Lithuanian. In 1903, church services were initiated in the Lithuanian language and a Lithuanian church choir was formed. However, in 1911, the Poles interfered with Lithuanian services in the church. Rioters went on trial in 1912–1913. Moreover, between 1912 and 1914, there was a division of Lithuanian Catholic Temperance Society at that time which organized the first public Lithuanian play in Giedraičiai on 29 June 1913.


On 24 August 1919, the Poles interfered with Lithuanian services in the church, mocked and terrorized the pastor, as well as took him away from Giedraičiai. Klebonas Kazimieras Liesevičius (1883–1963) was arrested in 1949 and sentenced to 10 years in prison. He returned to Lithuania in 1955.


The church is of classical style, with no towers, with a portal, triangular pediment and a wide entablature. The interior has three naves separated by pillars. The fence of the churchyard is masonry. There is a massive classical style bell tower in the corner of the fence built in the middle of the 19th century according to the project of Karolis Gregotovičius. It is masonry with an openwork upper tier made from wood structures.
